Jaipur kids School has been a renowned name to Jaipur for the last 10 years. The Jaipur Kids was established in 1A, Shanti Nagar ,Niwaru Road, Jhotwara Jaipur in the year 2004 in by the auspicious hands of Mr.Raguveer Singh Ranawat Retd.Education officer in Govt Deptt , He has 40 year exp in acadmic and administrative field in education dept . The parent body, J K Siksha smati , has a deep commitment to the cause of education.
This school is one of the most modern schools of the city and is counted amongst the front line schools of the state. The triple storied building of the school is fully equipped with the latest infrastructural facilities and practicing newest of the new teaching methodologies. At present the strength of school in 500+ students up to 10th Std. & to be affiliated with RBSE(with C C E Partern) .
The mission of Jaipur Kids School is to provide each student a diverse education in a safe supportive environment that promotes self discipline, motivation and excellence in learning.
1.Impart high quality education, in keeping with our cultural heritage and modern insights.
2.Mould the character and all round personality of the pupil in a manner that she/he becomes a committed citizen of the world by following the principles of "First always First"..
3.Recognize and channelize the potential of the pupil in a purposeful direction..
4.Make learning joyful and meaningful using appropriate methods..
5.Develop pupil's fluency - both in English and Hindi; Develop in the pupil - Social skills and creativity.
6.Cultivate in the pupil, the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, observing, logical thinking, independent learning and a scientific attitude..
7.Enable the pupil to apply and transfer the acquired knowledge to his every day life..
8.To initialize in its students competence in contemporary technology, a firm belief in Indian traditional and culture and a sensitivity to human issues and environment.
Respectfully Stand high, Maintain peace and glory every where in this world.